
Amy Drumgool


The ache of disappointment, wounds, and pain linger in our lives for months, years, or even decades and can show up differently for each one of us.

Life doesn’t come with formulas or directions on how to navigate such emotion. We learn through experience what feels safe, and sometimes those experiences have been flawed at the foundation, teaching us dysfunctional truths from the very beginning.

Pain thrives in hiding, one feels safe until life happens and we’re called to the front lines of response and faced with a choice. That’s often where we get stuck. Play and repeat, play and repeat...vicious cycles of unhealthy choices, because we don’t have the skills needed to navigate these spaces.

I lived for years unaware that pain and disappointment had a plan for my life. Undealt with, my future was filled with hopelessness and insecurity. Through my own healing journey, the hope of wholeness and the longing to be free was my drive to begin the process. Learning to live through the pain and not from the pain was my quest!

I live today very grateful I chose the path of healing, but it took work, and that’s where Fully Alive can help. I would be honored to help you begin the process of hope and healing in your life. As a result of my own healing, the drive to help others has become my passion. It is where I feel Fully Alive!

Learning to dream again, with God, has been a part of my healing process also. As much as I hope to be able to transition into working with clients on a full time basis, as God has moved my heart to help others with their journey, I have gained a greater understanding of His plan in my life. As a Licensed Practical Nurse my education and experience in this role continue to provide daily interaction with patients of many ages and differing health issues. I absolutely love my patients and the relationships I have with them. Becoming a Certified Master Life Coach, combined with prayer and inner healing training, has been a natural extension of my nursing career and I am excited to see these skill sets combine to give the best to my patients and clients.

So…is it time? Are you ready to begin your journey of healing? Maybe you just need to take that dream off the shelf, give it a good cleaning and breathe life back into it! No matter the position or posture, it’s very courageous to be at this point, and I’m very honored you would consider me to help you through the process.

Lao Tzu wrote the very popular quote: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It sounds easy, and you’ll never discover just what you and your land possess until you choose to explore it, but that single step, takes courage. You will not be alone. We are in this together. Let’s get started!

Simply click on Start your Journey. This is where we’ll begin a dialogue to determine how to move forward toward your goals. It will be that first single step in starting your very own journey, the process of living with purpose, and on purpose. I could not be more excited to have the opportunity to do it together!

We truly are better together,

~ Amy